Technology Use and Technology Barriers for People with Brain Injuries
/Forthcoming Whitepaper
Forthcoming Whitepaper
Consumer Advisory Network 2021: People with Disabilities & Social Media
This white paper examines how people with disabilities use social media. This report is based on results from the member questionnaire for our Accessibility User Research Collective, our national database of people with disabilities. The member questionnaire was updated in September 2020 to include questions on social media use. Our sample size is 290 respondents.
Read MoreThis white paper examines technology use by people with disabilities and changes in technology use during COVID-19. The data was collected in 2021 as part of the LiveWell RERC’s R1 Project: Discovery of User Needs & Preferences for ICT.
Survey of User Needs 2019: People with Disabilities and Mobile Phone Use
This white paper examines cell phone use by people with disabilities. The data was collected in 2019 as part of the LiveWell RERC’s R1 Project: Discovery of User Needs & Preferences for ICT. The survey instrument is called the Survey of User Needs (SUN).
Survey on Clinician Perspectives on mRehab Interventions and Technologies
Implementing mRehab solutions for people recovering from traumatic injury or managing neurodegenerative diseases and other conditions requires informed engagement by rehabilitation clinicians. The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Community Living, Health and Function (LiveWell RERC) conducted a survey of rehabilitation clinicians to discover and document the state of clinician knowledge, experience and needs for mRehab interventions and technologies.
This mRehab survey was conducted from January 14 to February 27, 2019 using convenience sampling methods and online data collection on the Survey Monkey web-based platform. Participants were recruited through the researchers’ personal networks at Shepherd Center, Duke University Medical Center, the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, American Physical Therapy Association, American Occupational Therapy Association, American Speech- Hearing Association and others.
This Research Note summarizes a couple of key findings from the mRehab survey.
Link Checkers and Basic Accessibility Testers for Websites
Ensuring website optimization and ease of use are goals of any developer. This holds especially true for organizations disseminating a lot of information to a variety of users from different backgrounds and with different ability levels. Broken links or missing alt text can be frustrating for some people with accessibility challenges. These also detract from the user experience. To mitigate these website errors or accidental exclusions, developers and even laymen can use various online resources to check the efficiency and ease of use of websites.
This report reviews some of these resources, giving broad information on services offered and how these tools can also be used as a basic accessibility test. Topics include:
Mobile Health Apps and the Needs of People with Disabilities: A National Survey
Mobile health (mHealth) technology is taking on a critical role in health care in the U.S. as maturing technologies grow increasingly capable of supporting the needs of health care providers to focus on population health instead of traditional fee‐for‐service models. Direct investment in mHealth technologies has grown substantially in recent years, as has merger and acquisition activity. Meanwhile large vendors of mainstream consumer technology (e.g., Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung) have dedicated more resources to mHealth solutions, particularly in the area of fitness and activity tracking, but also medical solutions.
Commercial and experimental biosensor solutions for use with stress management apps on smart devices
LiveWell RERC research and development staff are working to develop a wireless sensor that detects physiological indicators of stress through ecological momentary assessment and integrates with stress management apps on smart devices. The biosensor will integrate with two apps we are currently developing: 1) a coaching app for using a breathing technique for stress management built for wearable devices, and 2) a problem-solving app for smartphones and tablets. When the biosensor detects signs of stress, it will trigger a cue on a smart device that indicates to users that they may be experiencing an increase in stress and may benefit from using a stress management strategy. Confirmation of the need to use a selected stress management strategy will cause the respective app to launch.
The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Information and Communications Technology Access (LiveWell RERC) is funded by a 5-year grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (grant number 90RE5028). The opinions contained in this website are those of the LiveWell RERC and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or NIDILRR.